Aktywność LA4YGA z lokatora JO49IB na 70 MHz
Aktywność LA4YGA z lokatora JO49IB na 70 MHz

Termin: 30.04 - 03.05.2015r

Pasmo: 70 MHz

lokator: JO49IB

LA4YGA - 4m activity from JO49
I'm going again with family to Gautefall (JO49ib)for a long weekend. Wheater forecast is rain and more rain so I hope for good time for radio activity.
Due to restricted acces to i-net it will be random operation.
QRG - will be annonced on arrival on ON4KST chat or cluster.
Split for DL will be announced with corresponding CQ string i.e CQ ....
Others - CQ with antenna heading i.e CQ W/E/N/S
Equipment: IC-7100 with PA 100 watts, antenna 5 elements
Any sked is welcome, please send me email to post@la4yga.com
Hope to hear you ....73 de Jurek